Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Vernal Equinox

So the Wheel turns
We find Spring upon us
Popping up beneath us
Marinading our senses
With sunshine,
With flowers,
With bright pink, soft yellow, pure white....
My life is filled with green
My hands long to feel the Earth.
This new season
Bursts forth with the carol of the bird.
I fling open my window
To adore!

This new season feels so real to me. Negative people in my life have fallen away and new friends present themselves, coming at me from different angles and random situations. I admit that the falling-away of people that I cared about was a difficult transition for me. But when Life breaks you open, a beautiful unbroken-ness rises and the Universe rushes in.

I'm working out regularly at a gym near my house, which makes me feel more energetic and confident in myself. I'm eating a vegetarian, organic diet. I rarely eat out. I meditate everyday, sometimes twice a day. I wear a crystal around my neck for positive energy. I burn sage to purify myself and my house. I've picked up more shifts at the restaurant, which I like. I'm saving up my money for a summer trip to Honduras to visit my host family. I had a job interview that went well, and by the end of the month I should hear back from my interviewers whether or not I've been selected. If so, then I'll be moving, which makes me feel hopeful.

I'm finally ready to move forward. I needed to be home and be still for a while. Now, at last, it's time to spring forth!

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